Header Winter School Roma Caput Mundi

Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi

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Rome, caput mundi, is the city of cities. No other place in the world has played such an important role in the development of Western culture, from antiquity until today. Rome’s history of three millennia is still tangible on every street corner and every square in the city, from the Capitol to St. Peter’s and from the classical Forum Romanum to Mussolini’s Foro Italico. In this course we will discuss the many ways to approach and think about this rich cultural heritage.

What is so special about Rome? Through the ages, the ruins and artistic treasures of antiquity have served as inspiration for political and creative imagination all around the world. Rome has also provoked feelings of nostalgia and illusionary longing for an authentic past, while locations in the city have time and again been used as lieux de mémoire to convey value-laden interpretations of history. What is the meaning of these phenomena for contemporary Rome, characterised by mass tourism and globalisation? During fourteen days we will research these themes of imagination, authenticity and memory in the construction and presentation of Rome’s world heritage. Participants in the course will actively become acquainted with the fascinating past and present of Rome, visiting a series of famous and less-known sites.

Course language

Target group and admission requirements
BA-students of all disciplines from the Universiteit van Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit, Universiteit Leiden, Universiteit Utrecht, Radboud Universiteit, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, as well as Amsterdam University College, University College Groningen, Roosevelt University College, Leiden University College The Hague and University College Utrecht. A positive BSA is required for participation.

The study load is the equivalent of 6 ECTS (168 hours). Each student should arrange with his/her home coordinator whether the course can be a part of the existing curriculum. After successful completion of the course the KNIR provides a certificate mentioning study load and evaluation.

Participating students will receive free tuition, accommodation in Rome and excursions (including most entry fees for museums and archaeological sites). After successful completion of the final assignment, travel costs will be reimbursed up to a max. of €100,- (or max. €125,- in case you travel by train) for students, enrolled in one of our NWIB partner universities.

Apply before
15 October 2024
Please note that the decision of the selection committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

More info
Phone: (+39)063269621