5 februari 2025
Project description and backgrounds Satricum (nowadays Le Ferriere) is the ancient name of a Latin settlement that was situated ca. 60 km south of Rome in the present-day Italian province Lazio. Forty-six years of systematically conducted archaeological research in...
17 december 2024
This field school is conducted within the Guarda Archaeological Project (GAP). In the 2025 summer campaign we will carry out both stratigraphic excavations and surface surveys at Protohistoric, Roman and Medieval hillfort and village sites. Definitive course dates to...
12 september 2024
We gaan natuurlijk op Romereis, met de middelbare school, vanwege de historische en culturele rijkdom van de eeuwige stad. Daarmee onderscheiden leerlingen uit de Lage Landen zich scherp van een andere omvangrijke groep die Rome aandoet als centrum van de katholieke...
4 september 2024
It is widely recognized that colonial empires utilize myths to legitimize their claims to power, offering both historical and divine justification for the existing social order. The colonial powers of the ancient world were no exception to this rule, as vividly...
4 september 2024
Il corso, prendendo spunto dal concetto storico di ‘un’Italia divisa’ (Foot 2009), propone un approfondimento sulle narrazioni transmediali e sui programmi televisivi che hanno elaborato e continuano a elaborare in chiave culturale e artistica una serie di “ferite...