Ever since it was founded in 1904, the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR) has conducted research on Netherlandish artists in Italy, particularly in the early modern period. Still authoritative publications by KNIR staff members Hoogewerff and Orbaan have highlighted the presence of Dutch and Flemish painters and sculptors in the Eternal city and their contacts with Italian artists. The Accademia Belgica in Rome has an equally rich tradition of research in this field, with contributions by leading scholars in the field like D. Bodart and N. Dacos.

Nova Reperta Johannes Stradanus British Museum
As a follow up to the successful summer school jointly organized in 2015 on print making in Italy and its “Flemish” contribution, the Belgian Academy and the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome have decided to create fellowships for research on this particular subject. In collaboration with other institutes – the Collegio dei Fiamminghi in Bologna, the Istituto Interuniversitario Olandese di Storia dell’Arte in Florence, the Gabinetto dei Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi in Florence and the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica in Rome – a large scale inventarisation of Flemish and Dutch prints from the Renaissance and Baroque in major Italian collections will be undertaken. The description and encoding of the prints will be entrusted to a team of young researchers under the guidance of the staff of the Belgian and Dutch Institutes. For 2017-2018 the focus will be on the Roman collections.
Description traineeship
The traineeship at the KNIR entails the production of an digital catalogue of early modern Netherlandish prints present in the collection of the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica in Rome. At a later stage, this collection will be included in a online available open access inventory containing all prints produced by Low Countries artists present in major Italian collections in Bologna, Florence and Rome. As such, it follows the example of the catalogue Da Van Heemskerck a Van Wittel: disegni fiamminghi e olandesi del XVI-XVII secolo dalle collezioni del Gabinetto dei Disegni e delle Stampe of 1992 which documented the drawings from this collection. The Roman subproject of Early Modern Prints from the Low Countries in Italian Collections will consist of the identification and description of prints by Netherlandish artists in the collection of the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica from the fifteenth through the eighteenth centuries. The inventarisation will be done in close collaboration with intern(s) working during the same period at the Accademia Belgica. The trainees from both institutions will be supervised and guided by a team of international experts and a project coordinator.
- MA in Art History
- Good knowledge of English and Italian
- Proven affinity with print history, print collections and early modern art history
- Experience with collection databases is a recommendation
Expected output
A digital catalogue of the prints of Netherlandish printmakers present in the collection of the Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome.
KNIR offers
The selected trainee will receive free hospitality at the KNIR and a weekly allowance of 250 euro.
September – December 2018
More info
For more detailed information and inquiries send an email with your questions to dr. A. Witte.
The deadline for application for 2018 has already passed. Possible continuation of this project in 2019 will be announced later. If the new deadline will be announced you can apply by sending your CV, a copy of your MA/MPhil diploma and a letter of motivation to a.witte@knir.it