Workshop: Postcolonial/Decolonial Italy. Interventions, alliances and contestations

Date(s): 19 januari 2024
Time: 13:00 - 18:30

This workshop seeks to explore the current state of postcolonial and decolonial research in Italy as a field that has seen significant growth and transformation over the past decades. More specifically, it aims at discussing the possibility of decoloniality in collaboration and/or contestation to the postcolonial paradigm in the humanities. This event will provide a platform for scholars, researchers, and PhD students coming from different scholarly fields in the humanities – such as art, anthropology, literature, history, media and politics – to engage in meaningful discussions about the intricacies, possibilities and challenges of postcolonialism and/or decoloniality as applied to the Italian context,  as lens to read and understand contemporary dynamics characterizing its society, culture and politics. It encourages participants to rethink traditional narratives and explore new perspectives in their respective fields.

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Book of abstracts: Postcolonial/Decolonial Italy. Interventions, alliances and contestations

Introduction and welcome (13.00 – 13.30) Dr. Maria Bonaria Urban & Dr. Claudia Minchilli (language: English & Italian)

Panel 1  ” Knowledges and practices: staying with the trouble “ (13.30 – 15.00)
Prof. Miguel Mellino (Università di Napoli L’Orientale) – What do we do with all we know? Notes on the removal of the national colonial removal (language: English)

Prof. Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) – Saperi femministi decoloniali: genealogie, sfide e possibilità nel contesto italiano (language: Italian)

Serena Fiorletta (Università La Sapienza)- Agire la prospettiva postcoloniale. Il femminismo transnazionale e le Conferenze mondiali delle donne (language: Italian)

Panel 2 “Practices of resistance to the colonial archive” (15.30 – 17.15)
Prof. Giulia Grechi (Accademia della Belle Arti, Napoli) – The skeletons in the closet, and in display cases. Haunted museums and decolonial “exhib-actment (language: Italian)

Dr. Giulia Fabbri (La Sapienza) – Ripensare la “crisi” ambientale. Prospettive post/decoloniali e intersezionali sull’Antropocene (language: Italian)

Valentina Amenta (La Sapienza) – Queer South: Exploring the Intersections of Queerness and Southerness in Italy through a Postcolonial and Decolonial Perspective (language: Italian)

Dr. Angelica Pesarini (University of Toronto) – Future in the Past. Critical Fabulation and Counter-stories of resistance (language: English)

Keynote (17.30 – 18.30)
Prof. Caterina Romeo (La Sapienza) – Postcolonial, Decolonial, and Transnational Approaches to Italian Studies: Conjunctions and Disjunctions (language: English)  

About the organiser
Claudia Minchilli is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies at the University of Groningen. Her expertise lies at the intersection of digital media, gender, and migration studies, which she approaches through a postcolonial feminist lens. Previously, she worked as a teacher and Ph.D. candidate for the Graduate Gender Program at Utrecht University. Claudia also served as a doctoral candidate for the ERC Consolidator project “Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora, and Belonging” at Utrecht University. Her thesis, titled ‘Localizing Digital Diaspora: Diasporic Digital Networking among Somali, Romanian, and Turkish Women in Rome through the Lens of Social Class,’ was conducted as part of the ERC project and has been recognized with the Ted Meijer prize by KNIR.

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