Nascholingscursus: De interdisciplinaire Romereis

Nascholingscursus: De interdisciplinaire Romereis

Inhoud Wat is het verhaal dat je als docent op Romereis aan je leerlingen wil vertellen? Wat is het doel van de Romereis anno nu? In samenwerking met het Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Rome (KNIR) organiseert Roma Aeterna een nascholingscursus naar de Eeuwige Stad...
Early Roman Imperialism in the Making

Early Roman Imperialism in the Making

The question how Rome won its empire is as old as the study of Roman history, and continues to fascinate modern scholars and lay public alike. An important difficulty modern scholars encounter is that the available ancient textual sources describe and explain Roman...
We Are the People

We Are the People

The crisis of democracy in Europe and the Americas has generated a revival of mass protests. These protesters advocate a central role for the people in political decision making and reclaim public space with their bodily presence. Many of the iconic images used by...
Practicum: Mining Library Treasures

Practicum: Mining Library Treasures

In collaboration with the KB National Library of the Netherlands Hidden in the basement of the KNIR is a treasure waiting to be explored: a collection of over 500 rare books, mostly from the sixteenth to the early nineteenth centuries and covering a wide array of...