Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi

Winter School: Roma Caput Mundi

Rome, caput mundi, is the city of cities. No other place in the world has played such an important role in the development of Western culture, from antiquity until today. Rome’s history of three millennia is still tangible on every street corner and every square in...
Nascholingscursus De interdisciplinaire Romereis

Nascholingscursus De interdisciplinaire Romereis

Verdiepende nascholingscursus in Rome voor docenten in het voortgezet onderwijs Inhoud Wat is het verhaal dat je als docent op Romereis aan je leerlingen wil vertellen? Wat is het doel van de Romereis anno nu? In samenwerking met Roma Aeterna organiseert het...
Seminar: Latin Epigraphy on Location

Seminar: Latin Epigraphy on Location

Contents The course offers an intensive introduction into Latin epigraphy from the Republican period up until Late Antiquity and is aimed at the acquisition and application of practical research skills in epigraphic research. The approach and focus of this course is...
Seminar: Early Roman Imperialism in the Making

Seminar: Early Roman Imperialism in the Making

The question how Rome won its empire is as old as the study of Roman history, and continues to fascinate modern scholars and lay public alike. An important difficulty modern scholars encounter is that the available ancient textual sources describe and explain Roman...
Seminar: Excavating National Pasts

Seminar: Excavating National Pasts

Since the late eighteenth century archaeology developed in Europe from antiquarianism and connoisseurship into an academic discipline with its own sets of problems and questions, methods and tools. The city of Rome played an exceptional role in this dynamic process of...