
The KNIR-Society of Arts Artist-in-Residence programme is intended for artists (painters, sculptors, architects, photographers, writers, poets, filmmakers, choreographers, couturiers, actors, etc.) who wish to carry out a project during a 3-month stay in Rome that contributes concretely to the cross-pollination between art and science. The KNIR-Akademie van Kunsten Artist in Residence programme was jointly established by the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome (KNIR) and the Academy of Arts.

The Artist is expected to actively participate in the life of the KNIR academic community and to promote the cross-fertilization of art and science within it. This includes regular presence in the KNIR library, participation in the activities that take place at KNIR (especially the weekly discussion evenings), giving his/her own presentations and organizing activities as an extension of the artistic project (study day, exhibition, performance, expert meeting, etc.). At the KNIR, research is conducted into the history of Rome and its relationship with the rest of world history in the domains of Antiquity/Archaeology, History and Art History, with a current focus on (cultural) imperialism and colonialism from ancient times to the present.

For questions, please contact Devika Arjun, policy officer for the Society of Arts, via
Submitting nominations is possible from 12 February to 10 May 2024. Please go to the website of the Society of Arts (KNAW) for the online application form and the assessment criteria.

Portret Rini Hurkmans Hans Scholten E1558704403491

Rini Hurkmans

Irma Boom Tegel

Irma Boom

Marijke Van Warmerdam Web 300x300

Marijke van Warmerdam

Sytske Kok

Stefano Odoardi

Maaike Schoorel 300x300

Maaike Schoorel

Marianna Maruyama

Collectief De Onkruidenier

Babs Bakels

Jonas Staal

Jonas Staal