KNIR Research Dialogues Archive

Public Lecture: The Virgin’s Home in the Viceroyalty of Peru

KNIR Research Dialogue (KRD)

Public Lecture: The Education of Aztec Princes. Renaissance learning and the native elite in post-conquest Mexico

KNIR Research Dialogue (KRD)
Please note that the date and time have been updated. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, 26 November 2024, at 6 PM.

Roman Museum Legacies: Dialogue with dott.ssa Francesca Cappelletti, director of the Galleria Borghese

KNIR Dialogue with Directors

Public Lecture: ‘In tears and ashes, I am undone’. The Punic Wars and Epics of Empire

KNIR Research Dialogue (KRD)

Roman Museum Legacies: Dialogue with Francesco Stocchi, Artistic Director of MAXXI

KNIR Dialogue with Directors
Knir Dialogues With Directors

Roman Museum Legacies: Dialogue with Andrea Viliani, Director of the Museo delle Civiltà

KNIR Dialogues with Directors
Krd Vroom

Public Lectures: Food, Archaeology, and Art

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)
Tegel Krd Carlo Taviani

Public Lecture: The Renaissance Confusion of Africa

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: ‘Taking it like candy’: Medicinal Chocolate and the Society of Jesus

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: Museums as Archives. Cultural Emergence, Disappearance, and Reemergence through Museum Collections

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: Africa’s Shifting Landscapes. Rome’s Imagined Geographies of Empire

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: Why Postcolonial Classics Matter

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: The Ecologies of Italian Colonialism: Fascist Enterprises in North and East Africa

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: Myths of the Voiceless. Heroes, Ancestors, and the Management of Power in pre-Roman Italy

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Public Lecture: The Afterlives of Italy’s Fascist Party Headquarters from 1945 to Today

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

The Assimilation of Mesoamerican Gods in a Visual Theory of Religion. From the Codex Vat. Lat. 3738 to the Work of Lorenzo Pignoria

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

The Three Narratives of the Florentine Codex: Discrepancies and Complementarity between Texts and Images

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

On Observing Plants and Exploring Imagination in Art and Science: De Onkruidenier and Marjo Postma on their work in Rome

KNIR Art Dialogues (KAD)

Beyond ‘The Battle of Algiers’. Fiction, Non-fiction, and Militant Cinema

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

L’Italia brandisce la spada dell’Antica Roma. Classical Archaeology, Ancient History, and Modern Myths in Early 20th Century Italy

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

American Things Reduced into Art: Epistemologies and Politics of Knowledge Appropriation in the 16th Century

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Italian colonialism and the building of national belonging from XIX Century to the Republic

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Italian Colonial Museums and Collections. Between History, Memory and Today’s Challenges

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Indigenous Epistemology and Early Modern Science. Nahua Scholars and the Making of “De historia animalium Novae Hispaniae” (1571-1577)

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Ongoing Research Projects on the Mid-Republican Colonies of Rome in Southern Lazio and Sabina: Fregellae, Terracina and Cascia, Villa San Silvestro

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Dynamics of the Durable. A History of Making Things Last in the Arts

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Memory of the Risorgimento in the South: New Challenges

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

From Mexico to 16th-Century Italy: The Transatlantic Lives of Mesoamerican Artifacts

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

Imagining Institutions Otherwise: Art, Politics, and State Transformation

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)

About the Nuraghe: Colonialism and Rural Exploitation at S’Urachi, Sardinia

KNIR Research Dialogues (KRD)