Latin Epigraphy on location

Latin Epigraphy on location

This course offers an intensive introduction into Latin epigraphy from the Republican period up until Late Antiquity and is aimed at the acquisition and application of practical research skills in epigraphic research. The approach and focus of this course is strongly...
Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa

Course: Narrazioni e Memorie di un’Italia divisa

Il corso prevede, accanto alle lezioni regolari all’ Università di Amsterdam, un programma intensivo di studio e ricerca presso il Reale Istituto Neerlandese di Roma (KNIR) nel periodo 13-19 febbraio 2023 (arrivo a Roma e partenza). Non è dunque possibile iscriversi...
Seminar: Collecting the World in Rome

Seminar: Collecting the World in Rome

Rome is home to almost one hundred museums and countless collections from the four corners of the worlds. How did these collections of ethnographical, natural and archaeological objects come about and what do they reveal about Rome’s and Italy’s engagement with the...
Course: Raphael’s Antiquity

Course: Raphael’s Antiquity

Five-hundred years ago, on Good Friday, April 6th 1520, the painter Raphael died in Rome after a brief illness, exactly 37 years after his birth, also on Good Friday, in Urbino. Even though ‘but’ an artist, at his death he was a prominent member of a network that was...